Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk

"A human can endure a lot if he has a goal."
"Only the work which is joyful is fruitful. Only the work is joyful, which is voluntary."
"Don't be afraid and don't steal."
"Patriotism is love to own nation, not hate to the other people."
"Without citizens' interest in the state, the republic becomes aristocratic, bureaucratic, minority state - the form itself does not decide the essence of the state."

The memories of the president's stay in Hluboš
( Od stříbrných hor, roč.I.č.7.,7.3.1929. A.Podlaha )
At the of summer holiday in 1920, residents of Hluboš were excited by
the news that Hluboš castle (property of Jan Kolařík- factory owner in Příbram)
became the residence of Mr. President. The news turned out to be true.
Telephone line was extended from the post office to the castle, roads were
tidied, houses were painted. All villagers got dressed in ceremonial robes to
greet the man who they heard and read so much about and who had never been seen
Then August 27 came - the day of the President's arrival. All roads and paths leading to Hluboš were filled with people. The crowds were gathering at the crossroad by villa in Dubí, where the gatehouse was built. Around one o'clock there was an unusual commotion and noise in the crowd. The crowd cheered: They're coming! It was true. Two cars were approaching along Pičín road - they carried president's wife with his daughters Olga and Alice. They were welcomed by governor Šprongl, a representative of the district Reiman, the mayor of the village Simre, the pupil Boubelíková, the French legionary Vopěnka and the director of the estate Vlasák.
Mr. President arrived around five o'clock. His delay was caused by visiting English and French mission in Prague. Although it rained all day, the crowds waited for his arrival. At the gatehouse he was welcomed by previously named corporations. Then he went through the village decorated with banners, guided by the cavalry department of the falcon of Příbram, legionnaires and local associations, to the castle.
Almost daily, regardless of the weather, the President rode on horseback to the beautiful forests of Hluboš and surrounding areas. During his ride in the forest, he saw two cowherd boys yelling at him: Uncle, give us a ride! And the uncle gave one a ride and the ostler rode the other boy on his horse. Then, when the gamekeeper, who was watching the scene from the forest, told the boys who had ridden them, their eyes came out of their sockets in amazement, and their mouths remained open. During the President's stay in Hluboš, leading personalities, such as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr.Ex. Shamal, papal nuncio Micara, etc. visited him. The well-known painter L. Vacátko also stayed there for some time, painting on canvas of enormous dimensions, in front of the southern side of the chateau, Mr. President on horseback.
On October 2, Mr. President, accompanied by Secretary Dr. Curls also visited local school. He talked to children and teachers and entered the memorial book. He endowed poor children with shoes.
In addition, the President was present at the Sokol public exercise and also tasted the food sent to him by Hluboš ladies from the dressing ceremony. on October 14, the local Sokol and the honour guard of the president organized a farewell party. At the sounds of Ciprýnov's band, the president danced polka with Sl. M. Šemberová. As a souvenir, he donated his photograph with his handwritten signature to the dancer.
On October 18, the President left. He said goodbye to the faculty and school children, who formed a double row in front of the castle. Hands were raised, caps and scarfs flickered in the air. As the car goes through the double row, the President says "Goodbye!", waving his hand. The car starts moving faster, goes away, disappears into the distance ...
On Christmas of the same year, the President arrived in Hluboš with his family and a procession on a special train. It was December 22nd. He was welcomed by the mayor of the village Tomek, the administrator of the school Podlaha and the director of the estate. On Christmas Day, the President was surprised by a shepherd's carol, which was blown under the windows of the castle by the old pensioner Vrba. The President's son Jan paid a visit to a theatre performance hosted by local amateurs.
On December 31, the President went to Prague to receive New Year's greetings. On January 2, he returned to leave Hluboš forever on January 7, 1921. Hluboš Castle orphaned ... The stay of President T.G. Masaryk left a beautiful memory in the minds of the Hluboš people.